My Experience with Investors Underground (IU) in the first 4 months.

I am not a new trader and have been trying this for the last two years and few months. I have nothing to show for it now, but I keep trying and I am sure I will eventually get it. As we speak, I am down by a lot (net) but it will change. I am sure. No doubt.

I have joined different chatrooms in the last two years with varying degrees of 'loss' or 'failure'. NO one to blame but myself. I was a member at Investors Underground for about 4 months, and while I was fascinated by the people in the room, their willingness to help out when you reach out, I still couldn't get any success that I can speak of.

The problem with IU - it is mostly me. I focused so much on what Nate comments on from the moment I join the chat in the morning. I tried to look at the charts of every ticker he mentions, and I lost focus. I kept opening and closing, and I didn't understand his language much - not new people friendly. But after the 4 months, I took a break and went back to see some of the chat logs I saved to see if there was anything I should focus on in real time as he types them. If I wasn't in a rush to trade something, it is possible to find a couple of good trades from it. I didn't do that.

And... Personally, I wish it was 'audio' instead of 'text' and I have asked Nate if he can do that. He said, 'absolutely not'. But since then, he has started doing an audio / video recap, video scan on the previous day and hopefully he will slowly do more audio commentaries during trading hours. With that said, I know what I should focus on now, and I have discussed with members of IU about coming back - in January of 2019.

The awesome things about IU: everyone is willing to help. The moderators are actually too eager to help it blows your mind. They can even give you their personal contact info if you feel like you need to talk to them. Great successful community of traders, if you are not in a rush to be a millionaire (which was my problem - going all in and not cutting my losses) you sure can learn a lot from them, and hopefully become constantly profitable trader. That is the plan.

All in all, IU is probably the best chatroom I have seen. It is an all day of very trading chat with no non-sense. I will update this post as I go back to IU and finish the second 4-month semester with them.


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